Query Throughput on Analytics on OLTP (Postgres)

Vlada Vladimir Makovsky, 2015-06-30

In our third blog post, we showed simple Git analytic using our OLAP MIA database with automated micro-caching. You can check updated version of the git analytic application here. In our fifth blog post, we also showed how positive effect automatic caching can have on performance boost. For better comparison let's find out approximate request throughput of the application on PostgreSQL.

PostgreSQL is an OLTP database but it is used in analytics as well as many other OLTP databases. In fact, it's quite fast in an analysis of a small amount of data. On the amount of data that's in git analytic, Postgres performs queries faster than many of the new OLAP databases.

The reason is that many OLAP vendors don't pay much attention to the query throughput on a small amount of data. I actually read a comment from one OLAP vendor: "We are a data warehousing vendor. We take queries that run minutes or hours and run them in seconds. And we also take queries that run milliseconds and run them in seconds." That was obviously a joke, but not that far from the truth.


For our test, we take dashboard with reports and simulate request that is necessary to compute the reports on the dashboard. We took 16 projects and run series of selects that correspond to requests from the application. These reports can be written as the following select statements:

code changes

-- commits by day
SELECT date_id, COUNT(*)
FROM commit
WHERE date_id>16611
GROUP BY date_id

-- size changed by day
SELECT date_id, SUM(size_changed)
FROM fact, commit
WHERE commit_id=commit.id AND date_id>16611
GROUP BY date_id

-- file changed, added, deleted, modified by date
SELECT date_id, file_change_type_id, COUNT(*)
FROM fact, commit, file_change_type
WHERE commit_id=commit.id AND file_change_type_id=file_change_type.id
GROUP BY date_id, file_change_type_id HAVING date_id>16611

-- lines added and deleted by day
SELECT date_id, SUM(lines_added), SUM(lines_deleted)
FROM fact, commit
WHERE commit_id=commit.id AND date_id>16611
GROUP BY date_id


-- commits by author since certain date
SELECT author_id, COUNT(*) AS CNT FROM author, commit
WHERE author_id=author.id AND date_id>16611
GROUP BY author_id

-- size changed, lines added and deleted by author since certain date
SELECT author_id, SUM(size_changed), SUM(lines_added), SUM(lines_deleted)
FROM author, commit, fact
WHERE author_id=author.id AND commit.id=commit_id AND date_id>16611
GROUP BY author_id

Postgres when running reports on Code and Author tabs for the last 10-40 days were able to execute queries that correspond to 256 req/s and 384 req/s. See the table below.


So you can make a few hundred requests per second. Quite a good result. It is not surprising since each select is an aggregate of a small amount of data. That's a thing which PostgreSQL is really good at. But you can also see that even OLAP database can be faster even on a small amount of data.

Last 10 - 40 days
TabPostgreSQLBriskat (MIA DB)
Code256 reqs/s944 reqs/s
Author(s)384 reqs/s1626 reqs/s

After changing the day range to the last 330-360 days, the throughput dropped down nearly 16x and 9x. Which is quite a lot. You could tune up the queries a bit, perhaps change some configuration setting in the database ( download files ). Sometimes it will make a difference but more often it won't.

This kind of speed drop down is not particularly linked to PostgreSQL, but to all row-based OLTP databases. Once you want to make a query which aggregates result of many rows, the performance will start dropping dramatically. A certain amount of data and speed of processing can be a tipping point to try some OLAP databases.

You can, however, notice, that on our database the throughput of requests also dropped 2x and 4x. And you should wonder why when there is a caching.

The output of user reports in second test case is several times longer. To save memory, we cache ids (numbers) only in our database. So every time you ask for the result, numbers have to be translated back to labels. The slowdown is very approximately 1ms for each 1k of rows in the user report. We could perhaps get up to 700req/s, but there is an overhead. Nevertheless the data aggregation is much more expensive, so it's still worth it.

Yesterday's big data are normal data today

This test illustrates that in almost any situation there are cases that have a various influence on performance and you should be aware of them.

We also wanted to show how important the query throughput is from the point of serving many users. If your query throughput drops 10 times it means you can process 10 times less concurrent users.

Lastly, we showed here that even OLAP database can perform pretty well on a small amount of data. Small data is important as well. They too contain valuable information. And actually yesterday's big data are quite often small or normal data today.

Last 335 - 365 days
TabPostgreSQLBriskat (MIA DB)
Code16 reqs/s481 reqs/s
Author(s)42 reqs/s415 reqs/s

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